The Egyptians revered the blue lotus flower for its ability to bring one into the lucid dream state. It is a gentle soporific and calms the mind and body in preparation for the exploration of the inner world.

In Buddhist belief, the lotus represents the transformation of the base nature of the mud into the beauty of higher consciousness.
The Egyptians had the same belief, calling the Blue Lotus Flower “Sesen”, symbolizing the soul entering the underworld after the journey across the western land to the Hall of Maat. The soul is reborn through the transformation of the mud of negativity into the beauty of reincarnation.
Nefer Temu is the son of Ptah and Sekhmet. He is the Blue Lotus or Water Lily, his name meaning “beautiful one who closes” and was created from the primordial waters at the beginning of the world. Ptah his father created the world through a thought in his heart (corresponding to the contemporary theory of life as a simulation), and the Blue Lotus flower was seen as directly coming from this thought. The importance of the Blue Lotus flower Nefer Temu is in giving lucid dreams, allowing the soul to journey at night back to the source field. We still have access to this field consciousness through drinking Blue Lotus Tea and anointing with the oil of the Blue Lotus Flower.

The mother of Nefer Temu is Sekhmet, the lion-headed goddess of war and healing. Her name means power, and she was the protector in life as well as after death in the underworld. This means that Nefer Temu the Lotus Flower was held in very high regard as an agent of connection to the other world. The famous Egyptian sage Imhotep was the brother of Nefer Temu, meaning that intuitive wisdom was opened through the lucid dreaming and opening of the celestial eye using the Blue Lotus Flower.
The Blue Lotus is abundant in Thailand, We wildcraft harvest it directly from its habitat in Chiang Mai to make tea and resin oil, allowing you to experience the power and beauty of pristine nature. Around the city of Chiang Mai, northern Thailand, there are large areas of national forests, with many lakes. In these lakes blue lilies, which are the ancient Blue Lotus plants used for psychoactive meditation. These Blue Lotus flowers grow naturally in pristine conditions, and are wildcrafted by the makers of the room temperature ethanol extract used in the Blue Lotus Flower Oil. If you are interested in buying the oil, it is privately available for $44 per bottle, or $99 for 3 bottles, plus $50 DHL shipping. Please email to purchase.

After evaporating the ethanol, the Blue Lotus Flower extract contains all the alkaloids and many of the essential oils of the flowers. The final stage of making the oil is blending the extract with castor oil and sonicating this liposomal blend to make it highly bioavailable. Castor oil has been used for healing and wellness since antiquity. Castor beans have been found in Egyptian tombs dating back to 4000 b.c. The Egyptian medical text from 1500 b.c., called the Ebers Papyrus, said Egyptian doctors used castor oil to protect the eyes from irritation. Castor oil was also known to have been used thousands of years ago in facial oils.